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Copyright © 2107 Linda Hoover Portraits. All Rights Reserved. All text, graphics, HTML and contents of this website are protected by US and International copyright laws and may not be reproduced or distributed in any manner without the explicit permission of Linda Hoover or MEG Originals. This page was created and is maintained by MEG Originals.

Linda Hoover is a woman with a passion for Art and a love of people. Through portraiture, this self-described "people watcher" has found a perfect creative outlet for her artistic talent, but she doesn't stop there. A delight in the watercolor medium inherited from her mother frequently leads her to produce work that is often lighthearted, emphasizes the transparent brilliance of the medium, and her own appreciation of color harmonies, and usually, joyous themes. Caricature, a quick and lighthearted approach to portraiture and murals are more recent developments in her art career and samples can be viewed here in this website.

Linda earned a Master's Degree from the University of Missouri in Columbia, Missouri, in 2003 after graduating cum laude from Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, Missouri, in 1997 with a BS in Art Education. Her Master's Degree is in Education with an emphasis in Art.

She taught Art for 17 years at Clarksburg, Blackwater and mostly at Northwest Elementary until she retired three years ago. Now she enjoys watching her youngest grandchildren two days a week and having more time to spend in her studio. Linda is presently serving a term as president of the Sedalia Visual Art Association (SVAA), an organization she’s enjoyed belonging to for many years. “They’re a friendly, inspiring group of highly talented artists who have always been supportive of one another and it’s an honor to get an opportunity to serve them in this way.”, she says.

Linda has been commissioned for numerous portraits, other paintings, drawings and murals. Her art is juried into shows regularly.

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"Self Portrait"
Visit Linda's page on SVAA's website.